How To Perform HIIT To Burn The Most Fat

by | May 14, 2019

How to Perform HIIT Training:

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is on of the most effective ways you can burn fat and build lean muscle. Most people I see who do cardio stay on a particular machine for 45 plus minutes and think that is the way to should be done if you want to burn extra calories. Maybe that works for some people, and it may be appropriate depending on the persons goals. If you really want to maximize your time and get the best return on your investment, try to HIIT!
HIIT is a shortened version of cardio training that has been clinically proven to increase Growth Hormone and Testosterone levels. These are both anabolic hormones that support the body in burning fat and increasing lean muscle mass. When HIIT exercise is performed correctly, you will get the fat burning and muscle building benefits for up to 36 hours after it is performed. Can you imagine sitting at your desk and still burning fat?

So how do you do HIIT correctly? Here is a very simple example for you to test out the next time you step foot in the gym or anywhere you can do cardio exercise. Start with a 2 minute warm up on the elliptical, row machine, bike, or any cardio machine you prefer. After 2 minutes, go as hard as you can for 30 seconds. Once that 30 seconds is up, return to a moderate pace for the next 1 minute and 30 seconds. Then go all out again for 30 seconds. Repeat this process 8 times for a total of about 17-18 minutes. Then do a 2 minute cool down and enjoy the benefits!

There are so many benefits to increasing your natural level of growth hormone. Here are just a few:
• Increased Fat Loss
• Increased Lean Muscle Mass and Density
• Increased Overall Energy
• Improved Sleep Quality
• Supports In Stabilizing Blood Sugar
• Supports Regulating Insulin Sensitivity (how your body uses carbs)
• Anti-Aging Benefits
• And much more…

HIIT is a safe and natural way to optimize your bodies hormones and use them to your benefit. It is time efficient, easy to do and you don’t have to invest a lot of money into supplements or HRT therapy to increase your growth hormone. Try this and see how it works for you!


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